Youth unemployed, from succes to failure

Spain has the sad reward to be the country in UE with more young unemployed. Althought the labor market has never noted to incorporate easily to those have less 30 or 25 - to be young or not depent of the statistical office that you check out- the over three years of crisis ,that Spain has crossed, has primed with them untill triplicate their unemployed rate. Across this period, the unemployment among the youngs has passed from touching a historical minimum in the third trimester in 2006 wit a 17 percent to caress the maxima that we had in the last recession in the aearly of nineties with an unemployed rates of 42 percent in the middle of 2010, according to INE. And this has been precisely one of the matters chosen by PP to harass the goverment at the control sesion.
For this reason, the goverment has focused his recently labor reform to ease their input at the labor market. For this, The goverment has risen bonusses for the undefined hiring workers from sixteen to thirty years old, as well as the conversion training contracts in undefined contract too. Also, The goverment has enlarged from 21 to 24 years old the age to hire with a training contracts. Nevertheless, After six month of the reform had been turned on , and although the new bonusses for hiring haven't been set yet, among other things, the impact of this labor reform at the labor market had been minimum.
Furthermore, also to suffering a high unemployed rate, the youngs are among the main affected by high temporaly recruiment at the labor market, 30 percent, another negative feature that Spain have comparated with the rest of Europe.
"Nevertheless, the trouble more important isn't the level of youth unemployment today, but their futures consequences" urge Jose Garcia Montalvo , professor of Economy at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. "The youngs acces at labor market in a economist recesion moment have , across their career, lower wages and highest qualification than those acess at labor market in a economist expansion moment" ensure. In any case, He holds the failure isn't in the youth unemployed but in the general unemployed and their structural roots, because in the rest of the european partners the youth unemployed rate double the general unemployed rate too.
According to INE (Statistic National Institute) and waiting the result of Labour Force Survey about the last trimester in 2010 that it will be published the next friday. In Spain in september there were 860.000 people looking for a job and are below 25 years old, that is the 40 percent of the whole young people in the country. This figure, although had a soft slowdown in the third trimestrer on the last survey - It was probably more caused by the summer hiring than by the labor reform- , hasn't stopped of growing untill towards the end of 2007.
According to the last figures of eurostat, almost one in two young is unemployed, "a scandal" claim the european goverment president, José Manuel Durão Barroso. Specially, the european statistical office has estimated the unemployed rate among the under 25 years old that finished november - last figure has been published- in the 43, 6 percent , the highlest figure untill this statistics has been done and seven points percentage untill the next country, Slovakia. According to their figures, unlike the INE's survey used their own figures and corrects the seasonal effects, the youth unemployet has grown steadily in Spain untill october of 2009.