viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

Irena Sendler

Knowing as " The Angel of the Ghetto in Varsovia" , was a polish nurse that during the second war world helped and saved over two thousand five hundred jew childs with risk to her live. She was candidate to the novel prize on 2007, althought she wasn't chosen.

The mother of the children of the holocaust.

"The reason because I rescued to the children stem from in my home , in muy childhood.
I was educated in the belief that A person needed must be to help heart".
Irena Sendler, who salved to 2.500 childrens of the Ghetto in Varsovia

When Germany invaded the country on 1939, Irena was nurse in the Departament of Social Welfare in Varsovia that It hosted the comunity dining in the city. There she worked untiringly for easing the suffering of thousand of people jew and christian. Thanks to her, these dining didn't only provide food to orphans, elderly and poor as well as gave clothes, medicines and money.

On 1942 Nazis built a gettho in Varsovia , and Irena, horrofied the condicions that the people lived there , joined Committe to help jews, Zegota. She tells it herself: I got to my colleague Irena
Schultz and me, identification cards of the health office, one of task was fighted againts the contagious diseases. Later I succesed in getting identification cards to others collaboratores. The germans feared that a tifus epidemic was begun, then they allowed that the polish controled the enclousure.

When Irena walked across the streets in the ghetto, weared a bracelet with the David's star, as sing of solidarity and not draw attention. Early , she met families that she ofered to take out to their childres of ghetto. But She would be able to guarantee the succes. What It was secure that the children would die if they stand there. Many mothers and grandmothers was reticent to give their childrens, something absolutly understandable but it was deadly for them. Sometimes, when Irena or her girls ,came back to visit to these families to make change their mind, found that they had been carried to the train to the killing fields.

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