martes, 5 de abril de 2011

My profile

What is your name? My name is Helen.
What is you doing? I am an unemployed psychologist.
What are you doing before?
I am studing for an opposition.
What had you been doing? I had been studing my career
What have you been usually after finishing your work or daily studies? I often call to my boyfriend and, after, I go to bed.
What are you reading at the moment? I am reading a book called "Ode to a banker" in english, of course.
What have you been doing in the last few days? I have been scentting my house with orange blossom oil.
What has you been doing recently? I has been going to a employment counselor.
What will you be doing this weekend? I will probably be seeing to my boyfriend.
Profile of Helen
I am a unemployed psychologist . Before studing a opposition, I had been studing my career. After finishing work/ my daily studies I usually call to my boyfriend and, after, I go to bed. A the moment I am reading a book called "Ode to a Banker". In the last few days I have scetting my house with orange blossom oil. Recently I has been going to a employment counselor. This weekend I will be seeing to my boyfriend.

Do you agree that "the word is one stressed-out place"? What are he main causes of this setress?
I am completly agree, I think the world is ones stressed-out place because the rest of people and ourself are more and more demanding an we want more and more things.

What do you think are the symptoms of "runing out of time syndrome"? Do you- or does anyone know- suffer from these?
I think that "Runing out of time syndrome" is know like stress so their symptoms are the same. Some of their symptoms are decreased concentration, fatigue, irritability, sexual problems or difficulty sleeping and nightmares. I know people that suffer the "running out of time syndrome" because our world is really stressful.

Do you think the people in your country work hard compared with others? Do a lot of people burn out?Most of people in the world think that the spanish people are very idlers because we have the famous "siesta" but we are hardworking and there are trials.
Of course, Many people are burn out but I am afraid This people aren't just burn out because their work are stressed-out but the environment of their house, their relationships , their thoughts, themself burnt out them.

Look the photos and discuss.

-What type of people do you think Thomas and Elise are? I think Thomas is a surfer and Elise is a secretary.
-What are they like? I think they are really diferent.
-What doy they do? He is jumping a wave and she is answering the phone, is writing down something and cheking her laptot.
-Where do they live? It is very probably, He is living in a coastal area and She is living in a city.
-What do you think are their most valued possesion? I think that Thomas' most valuable possession is his surfboard And I reckon that Elise's most valuable possesion is her laptot.