martes, 14 de junio de 2011

Janis Joplin (last part)

Full Tilt Boogie Band
Once there, Albert Grossman, proposed to Janis a new band, the Full Tilt Boogie Band, and Janis already disengaged of the heroin, bot not of alcohol ,accepted it. David Niehouse wanted to continue traveling around the word and, he offered to go with her, but Janis prefered to stay with her audence and her music. So, Janis got on very well all the members of the band, they loved her and she loved their.

At summer of that year, janis and his band took part at the Festival Express, with other important artist of the moment like The Grateful Dead, Buddy Guy and The Band.

At a Hell Angel's party in San Francisco, that same summer, met Seth Morgan and fallin in love with him. On September of 1970, She moved to Los Ángeles for recording Pearl. On 4th October 1976 had been a good day at studio, and for celebrating it She went out to have a drink with her mates and she got drunk. Acording to the
forensic report, she died at 1:40 because of a heroin overdose. Janis had already passed for similar experiences and she had gotten alive, but this time there wasn't anybody to help her and her body was found 18 hours before. Everybody was surprised, because they thought that Janis didn't consume yet and She was at the best moment of her life.

The Janis' body was cremated in Westwood, california, and her ash was
thrown to Pacific Ocean in the Stison beach. She left on her will 10.000 dollars to her friends for celebrating her dead with a wild party. She was an always controversial artist who has been an inspiration for others great of the music.

viernes, 10 de junio de 2011

Janis Joplin (third part)

Kozmic Blues Band
Together, they began to search the best musicians of the country for creating a new group. At the begining of 1969 they were already creating, althought the musicians changed along the year. She brought with her to the guitarrist Sam Andrew of The Big Brother and the Holding Company. With her new band, "Kozmic Blues Band", markered her second album, I got Dem Ol'Kozmic Blues Again Mama!, which sounded diferent what her listeners was habituated: It was a mix of rock, soul and blues, and recibed bad reviews, the Rolling Stone Magazzine named her "The Judy Garland of the Rock"

In april; Janis and the Kozmic Blues Band wen to an European Tour, they ran thougth Frankfurt, Stockholm, Paris, London, and some places more, where the audience received very warmly and she came back to U.S.A. very happy, saying that The best concert that She had made once in her lifetime was in London, where the audience went crazy.

In that year, because of press, She hooked to heroin and begun lavishing in interviews, wich She ended speaking about her life and her feelings. She said that " She made the love with 25.000 people on the stage and after she came back at home alone". S he depended more and more of the alcohol and heroin but she had become a force and revolt symbol to many women at that moment.

On 16th Agustus 1969 acted in an enormous succes at the Woodstock Festival, where she made two performances of "Ball And Chain" and "Piece of my heart".

But the band musiciens was just professionals, and Janis wanted to her band was like a family, as Big Brother, and the only who ended up conecting was Cornelios "Snooky" Flowers the saxophonist. At the end of 1969 Janis was destroyed and too hooked to heroin and alcohol, then She decided to take a break and leave the band. At the end of 1969 the band separated. Their last concert was at the Madison Square garden in New York in the night on 19th and 20th December 1969.

In february 1970, She went ,with a friend, to The Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, to detox ,at least, of heroin. Once there, she met David Niehouse and they fell in love. They was some moths traveling through the brazilian jungle as two old beatniks on the road. And to get back to San Francisco, David moved to Jani's house.

jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

Janis Joplin (Second part)

Big Brother and the Holding Company

Tiring of Waiting to Leblanc and to be a good girl, She went to San Francisco with Chet Helms, a productor who She met in Texas. She joined to Big Brother and the Holding Company band on fourth july 1966, gotten a perfect mix. It was Chet Helms who brought her to San Francisco with a offert to she jouned to the band because Chet Helms was the band manager, wich she recorded her first album with a discography, Big Brother and the Holding Company, which It didn't pass unseen. Joplin Loved the creativity freedom of the San Francisco music scene. She usually acted with other psicodelic groups like The Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger and The Charlatans in the famous dance halls Avalon Ballroom, Fillmore East and Fillmore West, or at outdoor festivals in the Golden Park and Haigh-Asjbury.

She acted with her band at the Monterrey Festival in 1967 with some great artist of the moment like Jimmy Hendrix, The Mamas an The Papas, Jefferson Airplane, Otis Redding and The Who among others. This first performace of the Big Brothers wasn't filmed and asked them that they played the next day, then they played Combination of the Two, and Janis left to the audience surprised with her emblematic version of the Blues of Big Mama Thorton "Ball and Chain".

Since that moment, they was contrated by the Bob Dylan's productor, Albert Grossman. Joplin overshone to the Big Brothers. In the 1968 spring, They moved to New York for recordering their first album. That mix of repetitive music, 60's psicodelic style and the amazing Joplin's voice was prodigious and Cheap Thrills went out to the market in augustus of 1968. Launching to Janiss to the succes, after of three days was a gold record and at the first month was sold over a million of copies. In 2003, Cheap Thrills was voted as the 338th best record of the all time.

The reviews about her was rather good, and newspapers begun to focus on more in Janis than the band, everybody said that She was too good for the group and there was tensions between their because of Janis' leadership and fame. Further She wanted to make blues and soul music, like those singerst that she venerated, among they was Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday or Aretha Franklin, then after a lot of pressof her manager, Albert Grossman, She left Big Brother and The Holding Company.

Janis Joplin (first part)

Janis Joplin (19th Jabuary 1943- 4th October 1970) was a rock and roll and blues singer featured by his voice and revel spirit. Her complete name is Janis Lyn Joplin. She was a female symbol of the 60's counterculture , the hippies move and the first woman considered a great start of the Rock and Roll. In 1995 entered in the Rock Fame Hall. In 2004 the Rolling Stone Magazzine placed her in the 46th position of the best artist of all time and in 2008 in the 28th.


She was born on 19th January of 1943 in Port Arthur, an industrial location in Texas. Her parents, Seth , who worked at a refinery, and Dorothy, who had salient singing in her highschool and she wanted that Janis would had be a teacher. She has two younger brother, Michael and Laura.

Janis, in his first year at the highschool, joined to a intelectual youngs gang (beats o beatniks), because she become a
marginalized by her peers, she has been during this fase a pretty impopular person, balmed "friend of blacks" for refuising the racism. In the 17 years old began to express her love for the music, going the Luisina pubs where she listened black music like blues and jazz and in the 17 began to sing.

When She studied at fine arts academy of the Texas university, began to sing usually at pubs. She usually took part with the Waller Creck Boys band. There she began to earn her fame as a strong drinker. In 1963 , She moved to San Francisco city where she began to be known. Being there she met to many musicians with who later she rediscovered, like her lover Ron "Pigpen" McKernan ( after he was member of The Grateful Dead) and recorded a domestic record with Jorma Kaukonen ( later guitarist of Jefferson Airplane) and Margareta Kaukonen in the typewriter (like percurssion instrument). At this moment She began the contact with drugs and sink in an state of abandon, reaching to have 35 kl weight. In 1965 told his family that she returned to her grade study and gotten married with a man who she had met in San Francisco, known as Peter Leblanc, but wedding dint'n take place because Peter left her and this fact marked her affective insecurity and her feeling of loneliness even more.

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

Playing with words 2

Make a text with these words: handful/kingpin/tell apart/moguls/niche/mainstream/ the high end/caress/ go bust/ channel/ buy rate/ tuernd out/ brimstone/ broadband/ bottom line/amenity/ get billed/ wiring system/ equation/ hype/ the average person/ odd

That day was joined around the niche a handful of the high end cars. It was difficult tell the kingpin apart the moguls. While I caressed the button of the wiring system and thought If the amount of brimstone put on the bomb was enough to the bottom line of the equation was satisfactory.

As a contract killer that I am, don't be rare get billed a hype of one million of euros a year. Currently, I channel all my demands through the broadband, that is a great amenity and my buy rate has not decreased. The mainstream, in these days, is the average person who went bust thank to his debtor and want that I turned out a work.

Playing with words

Make a story with these words: Smut/swept into/wired world/ fate/ scout/ shortage/ easer/ stardom/ naugthy/ staggering/ newcomer/willing/ shapely/ array/ lean into/chain/ get up/ walk off/ literally/ shoot/ wrap/ revenue/ flow/ headquertered/ small-time/ merchant/ plain/ firms/ sweatshirts/ let out/ flood/ juries

That work was s smut althought he was a newcomer in Hollywood. He was a shapely actor and dreamed with reached the stardom and thought his fate was that.
When he studied at actors school thought that his talent flow to the most important films firms but the shortage of jobs was easer insomuch he had lean into to shoot small-time sweatshirts ad.

Now, He works on selling books arrais at a bookshop chain, which give some revenue. Sometimes He is willing to get up and walk off, literally, from that place. Another times he let out his merchant naughty side, which it is staggering, to make it he covered with his experienced actor wrap . At these times is willing plain to be a scout of the tastes' customer. Today He will be lucky , because in this chance like in a wired world, It is going to swept a customer into whom let him to attend to an interwiev in the headquartered of the most important producer.

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

Bob Dylan, young on 70 years old

Bob Dylan doesn't need a presentation. He is, without a doubt, one of the most important figures of the cultural history in the twenty century. We would able to mention citations from well-know people about his music and his presence is fundamental at the cultural history of the twentieth century. For example, Tom Waits said about his songs that: "They are sculpted in the spirit's bones". Americans magazzines mention him in their classifications as one of the most influential figures in the United States.

Musicians of all ages and practically from all styles, which they can be classifieds under the pop-rock name, reverence him. At the history of pop music there are a before and an after of that amazing trilogy in the middle of the seventies (Bringing it all back home, Highway revisited 61 and Blonde on blonde, the first double record at the history).

Drinking from the sources of the american traditional music (country, blues, gospel) and the rock, Dylan created an absolutely personal style, at the middle of sixties. Many people spoke about folk-rock and, without a doubt, the folk-rock existed, and thanks to Dylan. But the Dylan's music is specially the Dylan's music.

Robert Allen Zimmerman ( name which this son of jews was registered on the register seventy years ago) is a non-descript much as his mask. One of most remembered sentences of the artist known as Bob Dylan is which said that: " I am Bob Dylan only when I have to be Bob Dylan" But the question more difficult is to know who is Dylan: Is the folk singer at his early years? Is the arrogant junkie with his trilogy which change the rock? Is the hurt and left husband at the seventies? Is the reborn Christian at the eighties?- The Dylan's influence transcends the rock's borders.

His songs are, at the occasions more conspicuous, true poems which beats the breath of Rimbaus, Eliot, Yeats, Dylan Thomas, Ginbers and thay have earned some nominations to the literature's novel prize. The Dylan's fans from all class of around the world live attentive of every gesture and a few give him the category of true guru.

Fifty years on stages, including what he has stepped the last April in China, for a trayectorie which lived a new paragraph in 1966, when he suffered a terrible motorbike accident which led him to seclude of the fame and pressure, moving away of stages whilst He spent more time with his family. A career full of success, but with mysteries and masks too, as well as, the Gramy Museum remembers which opens this week the exhibition " Forever Young" in honour of the artist.