jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Pag 20:
Have you ever (or do you know anyone who has ever) lived abroad?
What were your / their impressions?
What problem might there be for people living in a foreign country?

I haven't ever lived in abroad. The farthestt place that I have been It was the border of France and I have gone to North of Portugal but I was a child and was for a little time.

Although, I know some people have lived in a broad for a while. These people have gone to abroad through a Erasmus scholarship and They told me all problems that they have with the idiom. On the one hand, some people helped their to comunicate normally in the small cities, village or neighborhoods, but on the other hand, in the big cities like London or Paris , exactly in tourist areas , the people weren't very polite and they said that they didn't understand. I am still asking why they has this behavior.Perhaps, They hate to the tourist. If so, Welcome to the Spain, We don't speak English but We will try to understand you.

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